It has been such a divine grace upon us all
to have received His Majesty's trophies
from His Majesty The King Bhumibol Adulyadej.

His Majesty The King has given the trophies as a response
to our beg for His Majesty's grant.
These trophies are for the national championship round of
Youth Pilot TV Thai Competition
at Rajamangala University of Technology Rattanakosin
on Sunday, September 4, 2009.
Teaching for more than 3000 schools,
RCSA has been established for about 7 years
by Mr. Pisit Mitkuakul, who is now active as a president of RCSA.
The first 6 years of teaching, Mr. Pisit had to
financially support all the cost.
And for this year, the 7th,
we are broadcasted by TV Thai
and sponsored by generous donors:
Cooperation of Office of a Basic Education Commission (OBEC),
Bureau of Educational Innovation Development,
and Thai Health Promotion Foundation.
We have never been any happier
and more graceful than this day.
To know that what are working hard for
have been witnessed and looked upon by HM King.
Love live the king
from His Majesty The King Bhumibol Adulyadej.

His Majesty The King has given the trophies as a response
to our beg for His Majesty's grant.
These trophies are for the national championship round of
Youth Pilot TV Thai Competition
at Rajamangala University of Technology Rattanakosin
on Sunday, September 4, 2009.
Teaching for more than 3000 schools,
RCSA has been established for about 7 years
by Mr. Pisit Mitkuakul, who is now active as a president of RCSA.
The first 6 years of teaching, Mr. Pisit had to
financially support all the cost.
And for this year, the 7th,
we are broadcasted by TV Thai
and sponsored by generous donors:
Cooperation of Office of a Basic Education Commission (OBEC),
Bureau of Educational Innovation Development,
and Thai Health Promotion Foundation.
We have never been any happier
and more graceful than this day.
To know that what are working hard for
have been witnessed and looked upon by HM King.
Love live the king
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