On this occasion, RCSA asked Mr. Pe Khanchanburi and N' Kao(both are pro of radio control airplne) to demonstrate a flight. We also took this oppurtunity to teach audiences to craft a radio control airplane for free!!
Mr. Tanakanok, N' Kao, and Mr. Pe Kanchanaburi
Many people...came and wondered that was it really for free. YES!
Hand-to-hand teaching
There were also giveaway airplane tickets.
Even grandma came with her niece.
Nice one!!!
Familiar face like Uncle Jude also joined the event.
Mr. Pisit kept on explaining about radio control airplane craft all day long.
This little boy also got one.
Thai flag pattern
Whose airplane was this kid stealing from?
Foreigners also were interested in what we do.
Excellent team work...
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