The valuable invention needs to have this quality: useful to society. Since Thailand is an agricultural country, the bugs-chased UFO will be very practical and useful to farmers. Who knows? The owner of this impressive invention is just a girl named Thanchada Sam-angsri from Southern Thailand.

Mr. Pisit, Miss Thanchada, Mr. Lumpong(Thanchada's teacher/advisor)
(From left to right)

Thanchada and her bug-chased UFO for large area

This creation was made from a waste product such as bottle, can.

The material could be bought in the local area.

Real lead of the day

From the experiment, it worked effectively.

She showed every part of the plane.

This is the draft before the making.

The capablility of Thai youths is no different from other countries. It is important whether adults give them oppurtunities to express their ideas. We need to support this younger generation of ours.
R.C.S.A wants to be a part of improving our own country. So, we would like to support students with the creative and practical ideas as much as possible.
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