Monday, August 17, 2009

Youth Pilot of the East: Result for final round

Winners will be competing against winners from other regions at Huahin, Prachuapkhirikhan.

Acrobatic flight (flying through hoops)
1. Luk Prachaotaksin 1 - Benjamanusorn School (Chanthaburi)
2. Toratora team - Wattarua School (Rayong)
3. Roobkeawkao 4 team - Bungsriracha Pittayakom School (Chonburi)

Dropping package on the spot
1. Bintamroypoh 2 - Wattarua School (Rayong)
2. Bintamroypoh 1 - Wattarua School (Rayong)
3. Luk Prachaotaksin 4 team - Benjamanusorn School (Chanthaburi)

Longest flight
1. Luk Prachaotaksin 2 team - Benjamanusorn School (Chanthaburi)
2. Under head team - Chonraja-umrung School (Chonburi)
3. Black Devil team - Chonraja-umrung School (Chonburi)

Beautiful crafts (that can really fly)
1. BJSTP_5 team - Benjamarajawungslid School (Chachoengsao)
2. Rungginnam 2 team - Wattarua School (Rayong)
3. D.D.Y.P. 4 team - Datdaruni School (Chachoengsao)


Anonymous said...

excellent blogWow Gold

Anonymous said...

very nice artical. wow gold